Digital Logic Chapter 5 part 1 - Latches and Flip-flops

Sequential Circuits

A sequential circuit consists of a combinational circuit to which storage elements are connected to form a feedback path.
The binary information stored in the memory elements at any given time defines the state of the sequential circuits.
$(inputs, current State)$ $\Longrightarrow$ $(outputs, next State)$, the behavior is specified by a time sequence of inputs and internal states.

Synchronous Sequential Circuits

A system whose behavior can be defined from the knowledge of its signals at discrete instants of time.
Usually achieved by a timing device: clock generator, which means the outputs are affected only with the application of a clock pulse.

Asynchronous Sequential Circuits

A system whose behavior depends upon input signals at any instant of time and the order in which the inputs change.
Commonly used storage devices are time-delay devices, and the propagation delay of the logic gates (time-delay devices) provides the required storage.
Can be viewed as combinational circuit with feedback, and can be unstable at times

Storage Elements

State: all the information about a circuit necessary to explain its future behavior


SR Latch

SR Latch

It stores 1 bit of infomation, consists of two cross-coupled NOR gates or NAND gates.
Two input signals: $set(S)/Reset(R)$
Two output signals: $Q/Q’$
Two useful states: $setState(Q=1,Q’=0)/resetState(Q=0,Q’=1)$
Note: $Q$ and $Q’$ should always be different. And $(S,R)$ should go back to $(0,0)$ before any other changes to avoid the occurrence of the undefined state.

Consider 4 possible cases:
1.$S=1,R=0$ $\Longrightarrow$ $Q=1,Q’=0$ Set the output.
2.$S=0,R=1$ $\Longrightarrow$ $Q=0,Q’=1$ Reset the output.
3.$S=0,R=0$ $\Longrightarrow$ $Q=Q{prev},Q’=Q’{prev}$ Memory function.
4.$S=1,R=1$ $\Longrightarrow$ $Q=0,Q’=0$ Forbidden invalid state.

$S$ $R$ $Q$ $Q’$ $State$
0 0 $Q_{prev}$ $Q’_{prev}$ Memory
0 1 0 1 Reset
1 0 1 0 Set
1 1 0 0 Forbidden
S’R’ Latch with NAND gates

Low active Set/Reset inputs

$S$ $R$ $Q$ $Q’$ $State$
0 0 1 1 Forbidden
0 1 1 0 Set
1 0 0 1 Reset
1 1 $Q_{prev}$ $Q’_{prev}$ Memory
Clocked SR Latch

Use Clock (or En) to enable/disable the SR latch
$C=0$, no change(disabled)
$C=1$, operates as normal SR latch (enabled)

$C$ $S$ $R$ $Q$ $Q’$ $State$
0 X X $Q_{prev}$ $Q’_{prev}$ no change
1 0 0 $Q_{prev}$ $Q’_{prev}$ Memory
1 0 1 0 1 Reset
1 1 0 1 0 Set
1 1 1 0 0 Forbidden

D Latch

It stores 1 bit of infomation, constructed from a gated SR latch by connecting the D input to S input and D’ to R, which makes sure S and R are different in the SR Latch.
Two input signals: $Clock(clk/En)/Data(D)$
Two output signals: $Q/Q’$
Note: avoid invalid cases in SR Latches.
图像2024-11-22 10.48图像2024-11-22 10.48 (1)

$C$ $D$ $Q$ $Q’$ $State$
0 X $Q_{prev}$ $Q’_{prev}$ no change(Memory)
1 0 0 1 Q follows D
1 1 1 0 Q follows D



Level sensitive

The state transition starts as soon as the clock is during logic 1 (positive level-sensitive) or logic 0 (negative level-sensitive) level.

Edge triggered

The state transition starts only at positive (positive edge-triggered) or negative edge (negative edge-triggered) of the clock signal.

D Flip-flop

Standard DFF Properties

Inputs: $Clk$,$D$
A D flip-flop is formed by two separate latches:
A master D latch (negative level sensitive)
A slave D latch (positive level sensitive)
Positive-edge-triggered D flip-flop:
When $CLK = 0$:
master is transparent
slave is opaque
D passes through to P
When $CLK = 1$
master is opaque
slave is transparent
P passes through to Q
Thus, on the rising edge of the clock ($CLK$ rises from 0$\rightarrow$1)
D passes through to Q
图像2024-11-22 13.27

$C$ $D$ $Q$ $Q’$ $State$
0 X $Q_{prev}$ $Q’_{prev}$ no change
1 X $Q_{prev}$ $Q’_{prev}$ no change
$\uparrow$ 0 0 1 Q follows D
1 1 0 Q follows D
Setup time and hold time

Setup time
D input must be maintained at a constant value prior to the application of the positive Clk pulse
Hold time
Data input must not change after the application of the positive Clk pulse

DFF with Reset

Active low reset
$Reset = 0$: Q is forced to 0
$Reset = 1$: flip-flop behaves as ordinary D flip-flop

$R$ $C$ $D$ $Q$ $Q’$ $State$
0 X X 0 1 Reset on power, forced $Q = 0$
1 $\uparrow$ 0 0 1 Q follows D
1 $\uparrow$ 1 1 0 Q follows D

图像2024-11-22 14.06

The state of FFs are unknown when power is on. A direct input can force the FFs to a known state before the system starts.
E.g. when $Reset = 1$, FF’s output is forced to 0
Synchronous vs. asynchronous resettable Flip Flop
Asynchronous: resets immediately when $Reset = 1$
Synchronous: resets at the clock edge only

J-K Flip-flop

e.g. Positive edge-triggered JKFF

At rising edge of clock
$J = K = 0$, Q is unchanged
$J = K = 1$, Q toggles
$J = 1, K = 0$, Q is set to 1
$J = 0, K = 1$, Q is reset to 0
图像2024-11-22 16.01

Characteristic equation:

图像2024-11-22 16.21

T Flip-flop

T: Toggle
$T = 0$, a clock edge does not change the output.
$T = 1$, a clock edge complements the output.
Useful for designing binary counters.

$T$ $Q_{next}$ $State$
0 $Q$ no change
1 $Q’$ take $Q$’s complement

Characteristic equation:

图像2024-11-22 21.03

Characteristic Table

Characteristic table: describe the behavior of a flip-flop based on its input and current state Q(t) just before the rising edge of the clock, and the resulting next state Q(t+1) after the clock transition.
图像2024-11-22 16.01

Characteristic equation: derived from the Characteristic table, e.g. $Q_{t+1} = D$

  1. From characteristic table to truth table
  2. Algebrically or using K-map to get characteristic equation